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  Yahoo and Kafka: Separated at Birth?

Another insane Kafka-esque email from the Yahoo Search Marketing API team. I get about two of these a week (another example), and they remind me of Orwell or Kafka in their impenetrable bureacrat-ese.

Dear Valued Client,

We have encountered unforeseen circumstances from the maintenance on end-point Currently, we do not have an estimated time of resolution for the residual system slowness and delay in books closed time for Keyword/Ad reports. However, our technical teams are working around the clock to resolve this as soon as possible and we will continue to update you on the status of this delay constantly. We greatly apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.

[emphasis mine - on the stuff that's just pure obfuscation].

Yes, Yahoo search marketing (i.e. Panama), does have an API. But with Yahoo giving up in search, it's probably not worth your time to use it, and have to parse these maintenance emails.

At this point, what Yahoo search marketing needs most is a copy of Strunk & White.

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