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  Another try at Y!Q

My previous post tested out Y!Q. Basically the results sucked. Here's why - the "related search" that was done used the following keywords:

email spam google opine contextual search search advertising cause people ppc currency

So basically, Y!Q chooses some words out of the text I provided - which in the case of the last post was all of the text after the first paragraph. The words it choose weren't really very representative.

So here's another try, and this time, I'm providing just the keywords I want:

click fraud, click spam, google click fraud, Overture click fraud

In other words, provide it with the equivalent of a <META> keywords tag. Let's see what happens now...


Bah! Still sucky. It took the words I provided and decided to only use the following:
google spam fraud click
No results about click fraud, really. Guess I have to wait til the next release...


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