About 10 years ago, I mused to my coworkers that all programming in the future is just going to be knowing APIs.
Here's what modern perl programming is like:
use File::Slurp; use Email::Store "dbi:SQLite:dbname=mailstore.db"; use File::Find::Rule; for (File::Find::Rule->file->name(qr/\d+/)->in("perl6-language")) { Email::Store::Mail->store(scalar read_file($_)); }
What does that do? Simple, it reads a directory of mail archive files (numerical file names) into a database. Right? Obvious. 2mins to program! Great.
But it reminds me of the old joke about the $10,000 Furnace repair bill:
1) Hitting furnace with hammer: $2 2) Knowing where to hit: $9,998