Early talks were done in around 2029, as you may know. It was very important to us that Microsoft, even though a relatively small player at that time, would not bring their own corporate culture into the Googleplex.
And my favorite question that Philipp asks the holograpically projected Page:
You were once quoted as having said, “Asimov’s three rules suck.” What did you mean by that?
And I can't resist the comic brilliance of this one on how the 20% time project has evolved: "We’re actually considering a 20/80 rule for our engineers...". Read it all, as they say.
But for pure one-shot sublimity, I find this classic 'future trademark' is hard to beat:
One-Click TV™
In about 20 years from now, the internet and the TV have been completely merged. That means full interactivity for that innocent little box which years ago invaded humanity’s living rooms. A side-effect not even big media companies did foresee was that most people were actually quite happy with the ease-of-use of sitting on a couch and clicking through channels of mindless TV shows...