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  The Key to Monetization
Want to know the key to monetization of your web site?

Zoltan, a commenter at Markus Frind's blog, unwittingly reveals it:

# Zoltan Says:
November 22nd, 2006 at 3:59 pm

I am always impressed how good you are when talking about competition.
Are you monitorize them somehow?
I am just wondering how could we easily monitorize the competition in our own industry.

It's as if Borat himself was commenting. The key is MONITOR-IZATION!

I'm serious. If you want to monetize, you've got to monitorize.

You need a system to monitor your web performance, your key monetization and customer metrics and you need a system to understand the performance of your competitors. That's monitorization!

I'm now gonna go work on my monitorize system for the rest of the month.


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